Q: Is TRIRIGA related to Oracle/imagineOne (iO)?

A: No. TRIRIGA is not related to Oracle/imagineOne. TRIRIGA is a management software platform from IBM that includes Space Management, Capital Projects, Operations, and Maintenance modules. Both systems, imagineOne, and TRIRIGA are going live on July 1.

Q: How do I add a comment to an existing service request (work order)?

1. In TRIRIGA, access Workplace Services and select the request you wish to comment on.

2. Type your comment in the "Comments and Photos" Box. Select the "Post" button, then select "Done". Images/photos can also be added here by selecting "Attach a Photo", then "Post", then finally "Done".

3. The technician assigned to the work task will receive an email notification that the comment was added. Any comments posted to the service request will generate an email notification to alert you that it was added. All comments will remain visible on the service request.

Q: How will TRIRIGA impact me?

A: TRIRIGA will be the new platform for service requests, space changes, facility budget requests, and utility outages.

Q: Who can use TRIRIGA?

A: Each department will have a representative(s) that can create service requests and space moves. FE&P will be able to work with your department if additional software licenses are needed.

Q: How do I enter a service request (work order)?

A: To enter a service request, follow these steps:

Step one: From, select “Submit a Service Request"

Step two: The TRIRIGA home page will appear


Step three: Select “Request Service”

Step four: The following view will appear


Step five: Use the radio button to indicate whether the Service Request is for you or for someone else. If the “Me” is selected, your home location in TRIRIGA will default, if available.

If you are entering the Request for someone else, you will need to select the location (see step six)

Step six: Use the pop-up window to select the location, including a floor and room if applicable.


Step seven: Select a problem category


Step eight: Select a problem type


Step nine: Enter a description for the request


Step ten: Attach a comment or photo, if desired, and then press the post button. Once the description for the request is complete, press the submit button. The request will then be routed for processing.


Once submitted, the portal may be used to review the status of the Service Request. If there are multiple requests, click on the "Show More" link to expand the view.


Is my Service Request billable?

To find out if the Service Request you're entering is billable, please visit: TRIRIGA-billing-processes

Q: Will the Facilities Service Center (FSC) still be available if I need to submit a service request?

A: Yes! The FSC will be open and answering questions, also assisting with work tasks. FSC email or 713-348-2485.

Q. What should I do if TRIRIGA is not functioning as expected?

A. The first step is to log out of TRIRIGA and then "clear your cache." If this does not fix the issue, please email

In Chrome:

  • Open the "Menu" in the upper right corner (three stacked dots)
  • Next, select "More tools"
  • Navigate to "Clear Browsing data"

Clear Cache 1

  • Choose a specific time period from the dropdown menu - if you wish to delete all cache data, select "All Time"
  • Select the boxes next to "Cached images and files"
  • Save your selections by clicking the blue "Clear Cache" button on the bottom right and refreshing the page

Clear Cache 2

In Firefox

  • Press "Alt" on the keyboard to open the menu
  • Next, select "History" and "Clear Recent History"

Clear Cache 3

  • Choose a specific time period from the dropdown menu - if you wish to delete all cache data, select "Everything"
  • Select the box next to "Cache"
  • Next, select "OK" and refresh the page to save your selections

Clear Cache 4

Q: Is there training available for the different TRIRIGA Modules?

A: Yes. Training is available. Facilities Engineering and Planning will also have training guides available. For specific training, please email

Q: Can anyone still create a Facility Budget Request (FBR)?

A: Anyone can still request a capital project, even if they don't have TRIRIGA. If your group does not have a TRIRIGA license, email for assistance.

Q: Will the department administrator be able to designate another staff member to assist with the space management module?

A: Yes. The Department Director/Chair can designate the staff member for the Department who will have access to the Space Management Module in TRIRIGA by sending an e-mail to: One designate per department is provided at no charge to the department.

Q: What is TRIRIGA licensing for?

A: TRIRIGA will use your NETid and password to authenticate each session. As with most Rice systems, logins cannot and should not be shared. There is no license fee required to submit or track a Service Request (work order) or for viewing/locating a space on campus. Any staff that will be administering TRIRIGA data or be involved in workflows beyond that will require an incremental license (examples include a staff member who is a Division Space Administrator or a staff member who submits Capital Budget Requests). Often, these two roles are performed by the same person within an area and accordingly, FE&P will provide one license to each school or division. If any division prefers to have multiple staff in these roles, there will be a minimal annual license fee for each additional person. Details can be provided upon request.

Q: Why is my home page different than others within the department?

A: Each role within TRIRIGA has a designated home page or portal which reflects their commonly used TRIRIGA functions. This may include reports that are frequently used.

Q: Can I save links to commonly used locations within TRIRIGA?

A: You can add bookmarks in TRIRIGA to save your most frequently used pages. The "add to bookmarks" and "my bookmarks" section is located in the upper right-hand portion of the TRIRIGA screen. The bookmark function is only available on search pages, such as for buildings, floors, spaces, etc... It is not available in a single record such as a single space record.

bookmarks for TRIRIGA

Q: How do I search for a record (space, work task, etc.)?

A. The "lookup" tool (select field value - magnifying glass) in TRIRIGA is a way users are able to look up additional records and values located in other parts of the system that need to be entered in the record they are creating/updating. Go to a section in the record that has a field requiring a value, and not the magnifying glass icon on the right-hand side of the field. The magnifying glass icon denotes that this is a field that requires information from a drop-down menu or pop-up dialog box. Click the icon.

TRIRIGA Look Up Tool

A pop-up dialogue box will display in the record, giving the necessary value for the field. Just click "OK" to ensure the value will display in the necessary field.

Q: How do I export data from a report in TRIRIGA to Excel?

A: Users may export almost any list of records from TRIRIGA into an Excel spreadsheet and download the file to their computer. For this example, the user may wish to download a list file of all buildings at a campus location. Here's how this task would be accomplished:

Login to TRIRIGA. From the main menu, click "portfolio". Click buildings in the locations sections. Filter the campus being searched for "buildings" in one of the search fields at the top of the buildings list, and press enter. A list of all the buildings on the specified campus will display.

excel tririga

Click the "export" link at the top of the building list.

excel tririga 2

This action will automatically generate an Excel spreadsheet of the lists.

excel tririga 3

The export feature is available in all records lists that are found in TRIRIGA.

Q: How do I attach an image (picture) to a record in TRIRIGA?

A: A user may upload image files to a record if needed using the following steps:

  1. While in a TRIRIGA record, open the General Tab within the record,
  2. Click the select image icon,
  3. Browse to find the image to attach to the record.

attach image to a record TRIRIGA

Q: How do I upload a document to a record in TRIRIGA?

A: A user may upload documents to a record if needed. For example, open a Space record in TRIRIGA.

  1. Go to the Notes and Documents tab in the record,
  2. Click the Upload button,
  3. Then click the Single Upload button,
  4. Enter the necessary document information.

Upload documents to a record TRIRIGA