TRIRIGA Billing Processes
When submitting a request in the TRIRIGA system, it is important to identify the billable request classes. There are several request classes, and the system will prompt users to charge either POET or COA. POETAF is the "Program, Organization, Expenditure Type, and Task. The AF (Award and Fund) is optional but will be used if provided. COA is the "Chart of Accounts." The system will default the common segments of the COA; however, you can override all except the account code. The account code is specific to FE&P charges. Customer should provide the Org and check the fund type, fund source and classification (* see below).
The following is a list of billable services chargeable to the customer, and you can view our maintenance billing rates here. For additional details relating to non-billable and billable work, please refer to the F&CP Service Level Agreement Matrix.
Request classes:
Access Control/Security |
Cut Copy of Keys (Billable |
Cut Key by Code (Billable) |
Master Key (Billable |
Rekey (Billable) |
Building Interior |
Secure Object to Wall (Billable) |
Heavy Disposal- Furniture, Equipment (Billable) |
Office Remodel (Billable |
Custom Cabinetry (Billable) |
Disassemble Furniture (Billable) |
Furniture Repair (Billable) |
Hang Picture/Plaques (Billable) |
Hang Whiteboard or Bulletin Board (Billable) |
Blinds or Curtain Repair (Billable) |
Move Items (Billable) |
Electrical and Lighting |
Install Outlet (Billable |
Event Support |
Plumbing Event Support (Billable) |
Beer Bike (Billable) |
Commencement (Billable |
Custodial Event Support (Billable) |
Electrical Event Support (Billable) |
Exterior Event Heavy Trash Pickup (Billable) |
Exterior Moving/Setup/Take Down (Billable) |
Hang Banner/Signage (Billable) |
Grounds Event Support (Billable) |
HVAC Services |
Ice Machine (Billable |
Refrigeration Repair (Billable) |
Remove Refrigerator (Billable |
Vehicles and Carts |
Cart Identification (Billable) |
Cart Repairs (Billable) |
Equipment Repair (Billable) |
Replace Cart Cover (Billable) |
Tires (Billable) |
Vehicle Repairs (Billable) |
Fabricate Cart Seat (Billable) |
*COA Segments:
Entity = 10
Org = Customer Provides
Fund Type = 100
Fund Source = 000000
Account = 8985
Classification = 500
Program = 9999
Activity = 9999
Location = 999
Future Use = 999